Let’s work together towards a healthier, inclusive, and a more compassionate academia.
Greetings! I’m Dr. Raghav V. Sampangi and my pronouns are he/him. I am based in K'jipuktuk (Halifax, Canada) within the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi'kmaq known as Mi'kma'ki. I am a Senior Instructor of Computer Science and a Faculty Associate at the Centre for Learning and Teaching at Dalhousie University.
Current work (2024 - Present)
Sept 2024 - Apr 2025: I’m teaching courses on Web Development (1st year, CSCI 1170), Server-Side Scripting (2nd year, CSCI 2170), Usable Security and Privacy (4th year/Grad, CSCI 4169 / CSCI 6307), and am involved in regular course updates/revisions/designs for these three courses.
I am also working on the following projects:
Revising my web development courses in consultation with industry partners, alumni, and students.
Working on a CS Education research project that involves exploring supports for first year undergrad students.
Working on a CS Education research project that involves exploring ungrading schemes for computing courses.
Teaching, research & service
Working towards a healthier and inclusive academia
I currently teach courses on web development and security and privacy.
My research interests include topics around compassionate practices and belonging in teaching and learning, and usable security and privacy.
I am a Cultural Competence in Computing (3C) Fellow at Duke University and an affiliate of the Alliance for Identity-Inclusive Computing Education (AiiCE).
Currently, I serve as a Co-Lead of the D-LITE Belong Cluster and a Faculty Associate at the Dalhousie Centre for Learning and Teaching. Since Jan 2023, I am one of the Co-Leads of the Halifax Chapter of Canada Learning Code.
Being compassionate in our teaching, policies and our actions is the minimum we can do as we support each other in our shared humanity.
I am an action-oriented advocate for mental and emotional health and well-being, and inclusion. In this endeavour, I’m learning from and volunteering with Dragonfly Mental Health (the global consortium for academic mental health). I have been an active volunteer with PhD Balance in the past as well.
I am also one of the co-founders of the READI Group through which we work towards developing a more inclusive culture in academia.